Rize'nin Çayeli ilçesinin Yanikdag köyünde eski model çakmakli dolma av tüfegini temizlemek isteyen 15 yasindaki Mustafa Safi, tüfefinin namlusuna su doldurarak sobaya soktu isinan namludaki barutun ates almasi sonucu tüfek birdenbire ...
... editor of the dictionary of virginia biography, editor of the virginia colonial records project, uva phd, friend of dean edward ayers (history faculty at uva); yucel yanikdag, ohio state, phd; ryan k. smith, ma w&m, phd udel. ...
Well, I went to the doctor. He gave me Zoloft. I'm on the lowest dose, 50mg, one a day. As far as I can tell, in retrospective of the last few days, it's helped. I've got a lot to talk about. First off, Annie and I saw V for Vendetta. ...